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Dandelion Leaf & reducing the Covid spike protein that binds to human receptor sites

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Plant Medicines can be of great benefit to us when we are unwell and our bodies are fighting any bacterial or viral infections.

Covid is a virus that has shown itself to be a virus that is highly infectious and much research is going into how we can deal with it.

An article published by H. Tran, M. Gigl et al (2021), on how Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) can help with reducing/ blocking the spike protein linkage between the SARS-COV-2 spike protein and the human ACE2 receptor sites. They have discovered that the new variants have mutations to the spike protein that make it easier for them to locate the ACE2 receptor sites.

The spike proteins that the virus produces are what help it to link and bind to the targeted human cells and can help with the viruses replication.

Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale

In this study they extracted the constituents from dandelion leaves in an aqueous solution. Depending on the part of the plant and the type of constituents other mediums can be used. The most commonly used medium is alcohol to prepare tinctures.

This study found that T. officinale extract showed effective binding inhibitions against four relevant spike mutations to the ACE2 receptor. This would indicate that it could help with prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection. There would be need for further analysis to confirm clinical evidence

So how can we use this information in practical terms?

We can use 4-10g of quality dried T. officinale leaf to make a decoction that we can drink 2-3 times daily.

You can drink the decoction warm or cold.

This way it can be used prophylactically to help reduce the risk of catching Covid, as well as to help support the body if you have caught the virus.

Dandelion is considered a safe with low toxicity.

When using dandelion leaf it can help support and nourish the kidneys (as a natural diuretic) and helping to relieve oedema.

By helping to relieve oedema it can also help with reducing hypertension and support healthy heart function (Bone, 2007). Dandelion leaf has naturally high levels of potassium and other minerals , which help to replace what can be lost with more frequent urination (Holmes, 2007).

Dandelion leaf is also indicated for digestive upsets such as dyspepsia and constipation. It works on the gallbladder helping it to release bile which aids in digestion (Bone, 2007).

There are a few precautions with this herb.

If you are allergic to the Asteraceae family of herbs, then you should avoid this plant.

May reduce effectiveness of antacids.

Dandelion leaf may theoretically, have a blood thinning effect, however clinical reports are lacking (Ulbricht & Seamon, 2010)


Bone, K. (2007), The Ultimate Herbal Compendium, Warwick, Queensland; Phytotherapy Press

Holmes, P. (2007) The Energetics of Western Herbs, Vol 1. 4th Edition, Cotati California; Snow Lotus Press

H. Tran,. M. Gigl (2021) In vitro effect of Taraxacum officinale leaf aqueous extract on the interaction between ACE2 cell surface receptor & SARS - CoV-2 spike protein D614 & 4 mutants, Pharmaceuticals (Basel), Vol. 14, Issue 10, Pg 1055.

Ulbricht, C., Seamon, E. (2010) Natural Standard Herbal Pharmacotherapy, St Louis, Missouri; Mosby, Elsevier

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